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Freedom from Alcohol

Following multiple hospitalizations for life-threatening, severe
alcohol use disorder, Angie Chaplin achieved freedom from alcohol in
February 2020 through self-empowered leadership. With openness and
authenticity, Angie speaks publicly about her story of leaning into
her greatest strengths to overcome her greatest struggles.

As a certified meeting facilitator, regional coordinator, and outreach volunteer for SMART Recovery, Angie helps connect individuals, peer support groups, and addiction treatment centers with SMART's evidence-based four-point framework.


This Naked Mind from Annie Grace is the first "quit lit" book Angie read, listened to, and highlighted -- sometimes all at the same time to make sure the lessons stuck. After completing the 30-Day Alcohol
Experiment, Angie became a mentor to other participants, eventually leading peer support calls and co-founding a peer support Facebook group, AF Alumni Community.

The Alcohol Experiment

Offered as a live, coach-guided 30-Day program and a self-paced DIY option, The Alcohol Experiment is an entry point to This Naked Mind's methodology and community. Through daily reading, videos, and expertinterviews, The Alcohol Experiment offers 30 days of guidance for interrupting harmful thought and behavior patterns to reclaim a healthier, happier life.

Join the Alcohol Experiment

The Path: 365

When you're ready for more than just a 30-day break from alcohol, The Path: 365 is a year-long journey rooted in knowledge and experience.It combines deep, thought-provoking video-based content with hands-on coaching from highly trained This Naked Mind Certified Coaches. The Path: 365 is also where you find incredible connections and support as you get to intimately know your personal community sharing this journey with you. This is what makes The Path: 365 by This Naked Mind different.

Learn More about Path: 365


Iowa City, home of the Iowa Hawkeyes, is known for its college football game day tailgating traditions. As an alcohol-free member of the Iowa Hawkeye football family, Angie Chaplin wasn't sure how she'd fit in as a sober tailgater. Thankfully, the alcohol-free industry has expanded rapidly, with Athletic Brewing Co. leading the way as a non-alcoholic beer. Angie was named an Ambassador for Athletic Brewing Co., and online purchases made at this link receive a 20% discount:

Non-alcoholic cocktails, once relegated to the sidelines of bar and restaurant menus—or simply not included at all—have stepped into the spotlight in recent years, offering a sophisticated alternative to juice, tea, and soft drinks. As health-conscious choices gain momentum and societal drinking habits evolve, bars and restaurants are presented with a unique opportunity to innovate and diversify. This guide dives deep into the world of non-alcoholic cocktails, exploring their rise in popularity, the art of crafting and selling them, practical considerations, and the benefits of inclusive hospitality.

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Ready to learn more about freedom from alcohol?

Let's get going!

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